Digital Marketing Intern

From November 2018 to March 2019 I was the social and digital marketing intern for a local hockey organization here in Eugene. I worked on marketing campaigns that were aimed at increasing ticket sales for home games at the Rink Exchange. While I did that, I updated all home events on Instagram and took some photos of the team.

My biggest marketing campaigns were our big November home game series and our January matinee home games. We decided to create a week-long social media event before each event to generate excitement that turned into ticket conversions.

November: Grateful Gens

This goal was to get fans and players to interact during the Thanksgiving holiday. A more personal approach highlighted each player on social the week before the big game.

January: Pancake Week

This goal was to get fans to attend a pancake breakfast held at 9 am before the Sunday match-up. In order to generate buzz and excitement, we took each day of the week to highlight different pancake activities on social platforms. We hosted pancake trivia, a pancake eating contest, and at-home tutorials to engage with fans in a more realistic and fun way outside of the hockey atmosphere.

Below are social media posts, photos, and overall how these campaigns went!

Grateful Gens Campaign:

Here are the exact video posted to our IG account

This campaign received a total of 2,154 impressions

Pancake Week: #HotcakesandHockey campaign

The exact videos from our Hotcakes and Hockey Week are posted below. Each day consisted of a different activity.

From Tuesday to Friday, the campaign received 6,615 impressions.